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About us

The Suffolk Joint Construction Committee 




  • Act as forum at which pan industry and local issues may be discussed and openly deliberated. 


  • Represent the collective opinions of the SJCC membership and the wider Suffolk Construction Industry. 


  • Promote the interests of the SJCC membership and the wider Suffolk Construction Industry to relevant industry wide bodies and to government. 


  • Meet on at least 3 occasions in every calendar year including an AGM. 


  • Organise an annual function which recognises and rewards achievement by individuals and companies in the County of Suffolk. 


  • Administer and maintain funds under management.

SJCC Comittee at awards.jpg

The SJCC committee members at the 2024 awards event



The SJCC is formed by representatives from each of the main construction professions. The committee currently consists of:



National Federation of Builders


The National Federation of Builders (NFB) represents small to medium-sized builders, contractors and house builders across England and Wales. As one of the UK’s longest standing trade bodies, it was created to represent the building profession and to promote conditions its members need to thrive and contribute to the economic success of the UK. 


Its members range from the sole trader to large, multi-million pound construction companies, with turnover ranging from below £500,000 to £500 million. The federation provides expert advice, training, representation and business services for members so that they can comply with industry standards, excel in delivery, and grow successful businesses.


Simon Girling - SEH French


Mark Hart - Barnes Construction


Andy Laflin - Gipping Construction Ltd


Steven Reason - Seamans Building


Darren Webb - Mixbrow Ltd


White House
RIBA Suffolk

RIBA Suffolk

Royal Institute of British Architects, Suffolk Branch


The Branch works for its members as a cultural association promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of  Architecture through lectures, tours, and seminars.  We open these to architects, young people and the general public. 

The Branch is a forum for architects to discuss their shared ambitions, successes and concerns.  We hold bi-monthly meetings around the county. 


At the heart of our work is the promotion of  ARCHITECTURE.  The Branch works on behalf of its members to promote architects as enablers of architecture in the community and designers of outstanding buildings. 


Matthew Bell - Modece Architects 


Aoife O'Gorman - BCR Infinity Architects 


Chris Wilkie - Rees Pryer architects 


Alan Wilkinson - BCR Infinity Architects


Bryan Wybrow - KLH Architects 



Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors


We're the global professional body promoting and enforcing the highest international standards in the valuation, management and development of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. 


With offices covering the major political and financial centres of the world, our market presence means we're ideally placed to influence policy and embed standards at a national level. 


We work at a cross-governmental level, delivering a single, international standard that will support a safe and vibrant marketplace in land, real estate, construction and infrastructure, for the benefit of all. 


We accredit over 130,000 qualified and trainee professionals and any individual or firm registered with us is subject to our quality assurance. We're proud of our reputation and we guard it fiercely, so clients who work with our registered professionals can have confidence in the quality and ethics of the services they receive. 


Chris Keeble - Castons


Amy Leader - Oxbury Chartered Surveyors 


Richard Mays - Hyams QS

Concrete Building
Structural Engineers


The Institution of Structural Engineers 


The Institution has over 28,000 members working in 105 countries around the world. The Institution is an internationally recognised source of expertise and information concerning all issues that involve structural engineering and public safety within the built environment. The core work of the Institution is supporting and protecting the profession of structural engineering by upholding professional standards and acting as an international voice on behalf of structural engineers. 


Martin Liddell - Sweco UK Ltd


Justin Mayhew - Sweco UK Ltd


James Potter - Superstructures



Modern Design Home
Building Services Engineers


Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 


Like all other engineered products buildings must do what they were designed to do.  They do more than provide shelter from the heat and cold, or from sun wind and rain; they must also provide a safe and healthy environment in which people can live, work and achieve. Building Services Engineers are the people who make this happen. They creatively apply scientific principles to design the buildings we need.  


Eric Benton - Johns Slater and Haward


Adrian Catchpole - Johns Slater and Haward


Modern Building

Honorary members


Ian Renoulf


John Norman

Administrative support


Yvette Holden


Joanne Williams

© 2018 by KM for SJCC

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